"Muaythai" or Thai boxing is a sport that can help protect you and your love ones when confronted with certain danger. A property trained Muay Thai fighter can be confident that he has an array of “weapon” to deter threats.

"Muaythai" is a form of martial art that is both graceful and lethal as the same time.
To know Muaythai is to know your weapons, the weapons that 24 hours be with you.


Muaythai (Thai boxing) Associations and Federations

International Associations and Federations

World Muay Thai Council (WMC)

World Boxing Council Muay Thai (WBC Muay Thai)
International Federation of Muay Thai Amateurs (IFMA)
World amateur sport Kickboxing organization (W.A.S.K.O.)
World Kickboxing Association (WKA)
International Sport Karate Association (ISKA)
International Kickboxing Federation (IKF)
International Kickboxing Association (IKAS)

National associations

Flag of Argentina Muay Thai Argentina (MTA)

Flag of Australia Oceania MuayThai Federation (OMF)
Flag of Barbados Unified Martial Marts Academy of Barbados (UMMA)
Flag of Belarus Muay Thai Belarus
Flag of Belgium Belgian Kickboxing & Muay Thai Organisation (BKBMO)
Flag of Canada Canadian Thai Boxing Sanctioning Body (CASK)
Flag of Curaçao Curaçao Martial-Arts Federation (CUMAFE)
Flag of the Czech Republic Czech Muay Thai Association (CMTA)
Flag of Denmark Danish Muay Thai Federation (DMTF)
Flag of England England Muay Thai Federation (EMF)
Flag of Finland Muay Thai Association of Finland (MTAF)
Flag of France World Kickboxing Association (French WKA)
Flag of France International Sport Karate Association (French ISKA)
Flag of France French Muaythai Federation (FFMDA)
Flag of Germany Muay Thai Germany (MTBD)
Flag of Greece Greek Muay Thai Federation
Flag of Greece Hellenic Amateur Muay Thai Federation (EOMTK)
Flag of Hong Kong Hong Kong Muay Thai Association
Flag of Indonesia Muay Thai Indonesia (AMI)
Flag of Ireland Allstyles Kickboxing Association of Ireland (AKAI)
Flag of Italy Italy Muay Thai Federation (FIMT)
Flag of Kazakhstan Muay Thai Federation of Kazakhstan
Flag of Latvia Latvian Kick-Thai Boxing Federation (LKTA)
Flag of Lithuania Muay Thai Lithuania
Flag of the Netherlands Muay Thai Federation Netherlands (MON)
Flag of Peru Muay Thai Peru (MTP)
Flag of the Philippines Amateur Thai Boxing Association of the Philippines (ATBAP)
Flag of Portugal Portuguese Thai Boxing Association (FPPFF)
Flag of Russia Russian Thai Boxing Federation (RTBF)
Flag of Scotland Scottish Muay Thai Council (SMTC)
Flag of Scotland The Scottish Thai Boxing Association (STBA)
Flag of Singapore Muay Thai Singapore
Flag of Spain Spanish Muay Thai Association (AEMT)
Flag of Sweden Swedish Muay Thai Federation (SMTF)
Flag of Syria Syrian Muay Thai Association
Flag of Thailand The Sports Authority of Thailand (SAT)
Flag of Ukraine Ukraine National Thai Boxing Federation of Muay Thai
Flag of the United States Thai Boxing Association of the USA
Flag of the United States United States Muay Thai Association (USMTA)
Flag of Wales Wales Thaiboxing

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